President’s Report

Rocki Strader, Ohio State University

Here I am, writing my last Newsletter report as ALAO President. I’d like to take a few moments to look back on some of my experiences in that capacity. This is by no means an exhaustive list of what happened this year! I’ll take them more or less in chronological order:
In July 2010, the Executive Board held its annual Leadership Retreat. I went from Vice-President/President-Elect to President. And jumped right in to issues ranging from a new five-year strategic plan to fully implementing our new online platform to incorporating the Association as a full-blown non-profit organization.
I want to thank (again!) Gaynelle Predmore for her leadership in organizing and presenting the new strategic plan, which you can see at Gaynelle and I guided some lively discussion, and I’d like to thank everyone on the Board for their insights and suggestions. We have some strong words to live by through 2014.
Thanks also are due to Brian Gray and Frank Bove for their patience for migrating our online presence to a new platform (Wild Apricot) and for their continued due diligence as we learn all the capabilities of the new system. Many members have expressed appreciation at being able to register for events and renew memberships online. I would also like to welcome back Karen Plummer as a co-webmaster and also now as a Member-at-Large.
The 36th Annual Conference held on October 29, 2010, at the Crowne Plaza Columbus North. Our guest speaker was Stephen Abram, of Gale Cengage. You can view his presentation here: We had a full house and many excellent presentations and poster sessions. My thanks to the planning committee for anticipating and handling the myriad details so well.
I would be remiss in my review if I left out our Communications Editor. I would like to express our appreciation to Lindsay Midkiff Miller for service as Communications Editor, and to welcome again Katie Gibson who has stepped in to the position.
Throughout the year the Board has been discussing and refining the documentation needed to become a separate incorporated non-profit organization. Our efforts are drawing closer to fruition: ALAO members should have received an email in mid-May announcing a special election to approve a set of Bylaws to replace our Constitution. The election is to take place June 1-15, 2011. The Bylaws are a necessary part of the paperwork that we need to file to finish the incorporation process.
On June 7, 2011, The Ohio State University, Newark campus, will host the ACRL Roadshow: Scholarly Communications 101. This event is being sponsored by ALAO and OhioLINK. As a chapter of ACRL, we consider both privilege and responsibility to be associated with this event. More information may be found in Susan Scott’s report in the March 2011 ALAO Newsletter.
Finally, I’d like to thank the 2010/2011 Executive Board for putting up with me this past year. It’s been a pleasure to work with you! And a warm welcome to our newly elected officers for 2011/2012: Sue Polanka, Vice-President/President-Elect; Don Appleby, Treasurer; Peggy Rector, Public Relations Coordinator; Members-at-Large: Alice Crosetto, Alisa Mizikar, and Karen Plummer.
Brian Hickam is poised to take over as President in July, and I wish him the best! I look forward to serving as Immediate Past-President under his leadership.

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