Membership Announcements

Brian Gray, Case Western Reserve University
The time period for an ALAO membership is now one-year from the date you renew or join, instead of a strict calendar year. The new online membership databases allows us to manage such an option. It will allow people to join and gain the benefit of one full year of membership without worry of optimizing when to join.

Members are also asked to verify contact information and other details are correct.
To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the website (
  2. Log-in in the top-right corner, or click on “Forgot password” to get details emailed to you
  3. Click on “View profile” in the top-right corner
  4. Click on “Edit profile” to change contact information, interest group involvement, and other details. Under “profile” you can be included/excluded in the online membership directory, if the feature is used (right now ALAO is not using this feature).
  5. Any fields that cannot be changed, please email concerns or changes to so they can be changed in the membership database.
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